Sensory Grooves Update #2
Dear Groovy Community, Since you last heard from us in December, Team Sensory Grooves has been “strutting our stuff” in preparation for the grooviest night coming in Acadiana - Sensory Grooves: Silent Disco Prom! We look forward to celebrating our sensory and...

Acadiana Art Closet Update #2
Dear Community - Who knew that doing a project like this was going to be so people and relationship-centered? (Everyone but us probably knew it, but we finally caught up - ha!). Since we last wrote, we have been doing a lot people-ing. We had a great Build Bash with...

Abby’s Acre Update #2
Dear Community, What a busy quarter it's been! We have been busy re-designing our boxes. After 2 test kits went out, we had several big design flaws surface, and we had to change the materials with which we were building. Because the boxes were made from rough cut...