Here's what happens during the 24 Hour Citizen ProjectFriday: Dream it.
1.) Learn From Experts
Meet with the people in the community who know how to push your project forward.
3.) Finalize Pitch Presentation
Once your work is done, make any last minute changes to your pitch presentation.
2.) Get To Work
Your project’s direction may change after meeting with the experts.
4.) Late Night Networking With Teams
Share what you’ve learned with other projects. Be prepared to stay up late because it’s a great time.
Saturday: Pitch it. Fund it.
1.) Social Hour
The audience arrives, and gets to visit with all the Citizen Teams to learn about your cool projects.
3.) Announce Winners
The Backers have a brief huddle to discuss all the pitches, and choose the projects to be funded.
2.) Pitch
This is what your team has been working towards for the past 24 hours. You’ll have 3 minutes to pitch your project to the Backers and the audience.
4.) Celebrate
The 24HCP is a celebration of community, and the willingness of citizens to care about their public spaces. Plan to celebrate together once the hard work is over!