Krewe De Canailles

Project Description
Team”Krewe des Canailles ” was funded $5,000 during the 24 Hour Citizen Project in 2017 to create a yearly Mardi Gras walking parade that is open to the public. The parade is completely man-powered, focusing on the creativity of each of the krewe’s members. Project creator, Rodney Hess, says “We want to Make Mardi Gras Great Again.”
We want to Make Mardi Gras Great Again. We’re a group of Carnival Crusaders leading the revolution against the out-of-touch ruling class. It’s time to overthrow the kings and queens of old and put Mardi Gras back into the hands of the people. Krewe des Canailles is a walking parade composed of individual krewes. Any group of people can pull together to create a krewe. The only rules are your floats have to be man-powered and your throws handmade and eco-friendly. No plastic beads at this parade.
We want to move away from the tired, poorly-constructed Spiderman floats and create a real community of creative Carnival-lovers.
Project Details
Team Leader Rodney Hess
Funded Date July 29, 2017
Location: Lafayette, LA
(% completed since funding)
Dear Community Letters
Project Updates
Krewe De Canailles (Dear Community Live)
Krewe De Canailles Final Update
Dear Community, Well, we did it. Mission accomplished. The first Krewe de Canailles parade went off (mostly) without a hitch! It was a great time for both the krewes and the crowds. We received a ton of positive feedback including from downtown businesses, one of...
Krewe De Canailles Update #2
Dear Community, Mardi Gras is almost upon us, which means Krewe de Canailles is about to pop off. We've made a ton of new headway since the last update. We still haven't received our 501(c)7 status approval so we've reach out to TRAIL to act as our fiscal agents....
Krewe De Canailles Update #1
Dear Community, We’re completely on track to occupy the space left from the cancellation of kickoff parade this past year. Krewe de Canailles will now serve as THE Mardi Gras kickoff parade in Lafayette – and we’re bringing it back to downtown! The very talented Burt...
The Fun
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