Dear Community,

A lot has happened since we last spoke. You may recall that we had been communicating with local government and DOTD for permission to access/improve the roadway, LAND architecture for vegetative enhancement and LUS for lighting. We can proudly say that 2 of the 3 have been accomplished, and the third is around the corner. LUS has installed our lighting!! Crossing the SPUP at night can now be done in the light!! LAND has completed the vegetative design!! We are simply awaiting DOTD’s approval for implementing the landscaping design. During this long process we have discovered that we’re really good at getting things done for free, and can proudly report that we’ve spent zero dollars of our awarded $5000. Add that to the matching funds that we’ve received from the state, and we can say with confidence that your patience will be rewarded. We’re still interviewing local artists for the interior visual enhancement, and are researching other ways to utilize the funds, making the SPUP as bike friendly as possible.

Those interested in seeing our progress can join us on July 11th at 6pm for the 3rd annual Mickey’s ride. Ride starts at Rotary Point, encompasses Mickey’s Loop, an eight mile loop through central Lafayette. Those interested can check out ForwardLafayette’s facebook page for details.


Mark deClouet (Team Leader)