Dear Community,
We have been thinking about this project for a while. We started brainstorming ways to impact our community using the “Tech for Good” model way back in May 2019. We are so excited that you have also seen the value of this. We can’t wait to share the fruits of our labor next fall.
Our first step has been to solidify our collaboration with Acadiana Open Channel (AOC) as one of our main partners. Our next couple of months will be setting ourselves up for success by formalizing partnerships, beginning conversations with potential pilot neighborhoods, and building the first version of the application.
Our initial challenges have largely been around mobilizing people during the holidays. We are all focused on being comfortable and full of turkey. Luckily, we were smart enough to plan for road bumps like that, so we are still on track- just not as far ahead as we like to be.
One of our core values is transparency and accountability. Over the course of our project’s lifespan, we will have a public facing project management board so the community can track our progress, engage with our team, and learn about the software development life cycle (Trello- Adopt a Storm Drain This is our way of living our truth and being the change we want to see in the world. We hope you follow our progress along the way, or better yet, participate however you want to. We look forward to the coming months and hope you do too! Thank you again.
Now, let’s get to work. We have a lot of #DrainDefenders to mobilize and even more #StormDrains that need adopting!
The Adopt a Storm Drain Team