Dear Community,

Did you enjoy this year’s Virtual Festival? What about a Festival favorite drink or menu item on a patio or from the comfort of your home? As you know, our project meant to eliminate the use of styrofoam at Festival International de Louisiane and inspire interest in zero waste events, was stunted due to Covid-19 and the shift to a virtual Festival in both 2020 and 2021.

Our “Plan B” to pivot for this year and incorporate plant-based to-go containers into Feastival locations did not end up taking place. We know we’ll be able to make a bigger impact both for Festival International and the community by sticking to the original plan for one big push towards a foam-free Festival accompanied by a switch to compostable containers. So, we still have all of our funds earmarked from 2020 and they are ready to be utilized for the next live event — mark your calendars now for Festival International 2022, April 27 – May 1st!

As previously planned, we will work with Festival International staff and their vendors this coming fall and winter to help educate and subsidize the switch to compostable to-go containers. In the meantime, check out our fiscal sponsors No Waste Lafayette. They hosted Lafayette’s first “Zero Waste Week” in May and have many tips and resources to help people reduce waste every day!

Yours in Green,
The Greening Festival Team