Dear Community, 

Team Seed Library checking in again to update you on our progress! With every intention of sounding cheesy- the SEED that was planted at our Healthy Acadiana Coalition meeting back in June of 2022 has really GROWN! We can’t thank all of you enough for believing in this project! 

We are still on track for our launch date but when we know for sure we will invite each of you!

Our final name is The Seed Library by Healthy Acadiana, and this will be reflected in the logo being designed for us! We’ve had several meetings in the past few weeks to figure out branding and we are so excited to share this with you when we have a logo! 

The cabinet, a replica card catalog, is being built by someone awesome and after seeing his other work we know it’s going to be beautiful! 

We’ve asked many seed companies, 11 to be exact, for donations of seeds and we are happy to announce that approximately 500 seed packets of various varieties are on their way to us as I type this letter! This frees up some initial money we set aside to purchase seeds so we can purchase more for later dates to help our sustainability. 

We can’t do this work alone and want to thank our subcommittee members for their hard work in figuring out the checkout process, donation processes, what types of seeds to purchase, and all the things in between to make this a huge success. 

We can’t wait to be able to share the Seed Library with all of you. 

Healthy wishes, 

Team Seed Library