Dear Community,

We’re gearing up for an exciting summer in Oasis! In addition to multiple activities planned by local and government organizations for our community in the coming months, we’re moving full steam ahead with the Oasis Food Pantry. Our vision is for the food pantry to be one of many initiatives to give back and engage our community. We’ve seen and heard testimonials of food pantry success in other communities and we can’t wait to see the impact of the Oasis Food Pantry. Despite setbacks due to supply shortages, we’ve made some progress on our pantry structure. We were able to get the materials needed to construct the pantry doors, which have been completed. Once all other materials are in, the remainder of the pantry structure will be built on site in the parking lot of the MLK Center, in it’s permanent spot. Our very own coterie board president will lend his talents to build the pantry, so if you pass by and see him working, give him a honk to show your support! We plan to have an official unveiling of the pantry for the community, so stay tuned for more news on our timeline and completion date. Humbly,

The Oasis Community Food Pantry