Oasis Community Food Pantry Update # 3

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update # 3

Dear Oasis Community,

It’s happening. IT’S HERE! The Oasis Food Pantry started as a vision to sow into our community and serve as an additional resource to our residents. We wrote the vision, made it plain, pitched our plan, got funded – and pushed forward to the finish line. We’re on the last leg now. Our pantry has been constructed and painted; we’re just waiting on the finishing touches. Soon the Oasis Food Pantry’s signage will be added along with some landscaping for beautification.

The food pantry will house non-perishable food items and small toiletries, free and at no cost to our community. As you visit the pantry, take what you need, but remember to also give when you can. This is a community initiative so we invite Oasis Community residents to get involved.

In closing, we’d like to send a huge THANK YOU to the community partners who helped to bring our vision to life!

▪ Pantry construction – Brian Oliver (Oasis Community Member)

▪ Pantry doors – Acadian Woodworks

▪ Landscaping – Faulk’s Lawncare

▪ Paint – Unique Painting

▪ Pantry wrap/signage – Pixus Digital Printing

▪ Food donation – Seasons the Green Leaf + All4One Foundation

▪ Toiletries – All4One Foundation

Of course, we’ll be introducing the pantry in style! The Oasis Community Board will host a ribbon cutting ceremony this month, August 2022, to celebrate the opening of the pantry. In the meantime, here are a few photos to show the pantry’s progress thus far.

We hope to see you at the ribbon cutting!

In Service to our community,

Oasis Community Board


Team Oasis Food Pantry

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #2

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #2

Dear Community,

We’re gearing up for an exciting summer in Oasis! In addition to multiple activities planned by local and government organizations for our community in the coming months, we’re moving full steam ahead with the Oasis Food Pantry. Our vision is for the food pantry to be one of many initiatives to give back and engage our community. We’ve seen and heard testimonials of food pantry success in other communities and we can’t wait to see the impact of the Oasis Food Pantry. Despite setbacks due to supply shortages, we’ve made some progress on our pantry structure. We were able to get the materials needed to construct the pantry doors, which have been completed. Once all other materials are in, the remainder of the pantry structure will be built on site in the parking lot of the MLK Center, in it’s permanent spot. Our very own coterie board president will lend his talents to build the pantry, so if you pass by and see him working, give him a honk to show your support! We plan to have an official unveiling of the pantry for the community, so stay tuned for more news on our timeline and completion date. Humbly,

The Oasis Community Food Pantry

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #2

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #1

Dear Community,

Great things are on the horizon for our Oasis Community. Despite our Coterie’s limited visibility since the onset of COVID-19, we’ve not lost sight of our commitment to our community. Many of you may recall providing us with valuable feedback as to what you would like to see in our community during our HOPEFEST in 2019. Since then, we’ve met with several organizations and officials to rally support for our community in an effort to bring forth the changes that you, our neighbors expressed wanting to see. In November of 2021, we pitched the idea of a community food pantry to the 24 Hour Citizen Project. We are proud to say that our project has been selected for backing! The Oasis Food Pantry is not only a way for us to give back to the community, but for the community to give back to itself. The pantry will serve as an alternative food resource for the residence of our community and will be conveniently located outside of the Martin Luther King Center. The pantry will house non-perishable food and toiletry items, FREE for all community residents.

In addition to receiving funding from our backers, we are excited to share that we’ve already began receiving donations from various community partners to help sustain our pantry once opened. Currently, we are working to finalize renderings of the pantry and a construction timeline to share with you.

We desire for our residents to see the Oasis Food Pantry as a reservoir and source of hope, healing and restoration. Our hope is that this initiative will spark community engagement, pride and unification, and we invite you to get involved. Be on the lookout in the months to come for more information as to how you can join our efforts.

We are committed to the betterment of our community and are grateful for your support.


Team Oasis Food Pantry