Dear Community, We’ve just started work again after our summer heat break! I hope everyone was able to stay somewhat cool over the summer. We’re excited to start planning our fall gardens and the changes we’ll be implementing for next spring season. Unfortunately we...

Abby’s Acre
Abby’s Acre

Project Description
The Birds and the Bees program is a way to provide veterans with the space and materials to learn basic carpentry skills, while also providing vital habitat to the local animal and insect populations of the Acadiana area. This program engages veterans in their community, as well as helping the local wildlife in building habitat. This not only helps the various flora and fauna, it encourages bigger yields in the gardens we encourage and aide people in building. It also helps develop strong bonds in the participants, and breeds the camaraderie veterans have grown accustomed to during their time in service. Not just with each other, but with the environment around them as well.
By building various housing for bats, birds, and insects we encourage the natural ecosystem to regenerate and thrive. In doing so in a group setting we provide a non judgmental space, and a task that is very manageable and rewarding. The fruits of their labor are immediate and purposeful.
Each box will include a bat box, birdhouse, vermicomposter (worm composter), native plants and seeds, and a guide to each item and how they interact.
- Teach the importance of a regenerative Eco system.
- Teach basic carpentry skills and shop safety.
- Provide a large selection of Native plants to encourage even more diversity.
- Provide a space for veterans to feel safe and understood.
- Provide space at the veterans home to help find peace.
- Create strong bonds through mutual support and a love for the community around them.
- Provide the farm and the community with abundant wildlife, and natural beauty.
Lumber will be provided by Live Edge lumber company (veteran owned) and milled and organized in “kits” by Abby’s Acre personnel. These will be organized by set designs and blueprints and can be scaled up or down depending on the skill of the participant. There will be emphasis on safety, and for the time being, no power tools will be utilized.
Native seeds and starts will be provided by The Urban Naturalist in Fightinville. A guide to each item in the box will be included to aid the recipient in further educating themselves on each component provided.
For those not able to build their own, Abby’s Acre personnel will be building, distributing, and installing these boxes for those most in need of them.
Project Details
Team Leader: Colton Campitelli
Funded Date: November 11, 2023
Amount: $3,200
Location: Lafayette, LA
(% completed since funding)
Dear Community Letters
Project Updates
Abby’s Acre Update #4
Abby’s Acre Update #3
Dear Community, Hello again everyone! We have exciting news from the Abby's Acre team. We have completed all the kits and have started distributing them! We have given our first one to a gulf war era veteran here in Freetown! We have 4 more scheduled this week to 2...
Abby’s Acre Update #2
Dear Community, What a busy quarter it's been! We have been busy re-designing our boxes. After 2 test kits went out, we had several big design flaws surface, and we had to change the materials with which we were building. Because the boxes were made from rough cut...