Doula Right Thing

Doula Right Thing

Doula Right Thing

Doula Right Thing

Project Details

Team Leader: Jenny Thompson
Funded Date: November 9, 2024
Amount: $3,000
Location: Lafayette, LA


(% completed since funding)


Project Description

Project “Doula Right Thing” focuses on addressing the rising maternal and infant mortality and morbidity in the Lafayette region. As a professional doula with over 15 years of experience, Jenny and her team recognize the essential role that doulas play in providing physical, informational, and emotional support to birthing families. Doulas have been proven to improve birth outcomes for mothers and babies, especially for vulnerable populations, such as Black women, who are at a higher risk for adverse outcomes during childbirth.

One of the primary challenges facing families is the cost of accessing doula services, which often makes this support inaccessible to many in need. The project seeks to address this barrier by training 24 doulas within the region. By offering free training to doulas, the initiative aims to create teams of certified doulas who will provide birth services at no cost to mothers in need. This not only improves birth outcomes for these mothers but also empowers doulas to start their own businesses, creating a self-sustaining solution to the maternal health crisis.

The project’s goal is to train 24 doulas, which, when organized into teams of three and supporting minimum two births each year, could provide services to ~50 mothers annually, potentially serving up to ~150 mothers or more over time. Achieving this scale of support would significantly impact maternal health outcomes in the community, ensuring that more women have access to the care they need during childbirth.

In terms of impact, doulas help decrease maternal and infant mortality and morbidity rates, particularly for Black women, by reducing the occurrence of low birth weight and complications. Additionally, doulas reduce the rate of c-sections from 25% to 13%, and when mothers are induced, they help lower the chance of a c-section from 59% to 13%. They also play a crucial role in increasing breastfeeding initiation, which improves bonding and helps regulate the baby’s heart rate, breathing rate, and blood sugar. Overall, the project aims to create a healthier, more supportive birth environment for mothers and their babies, while empowering doulas to make a lasting difference in their communities.

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Barbers, Boys, and Books

Barbers, Boys, and Books

Barbers, Boys, and Books: Stay Sharp for Literacy

TEAM Barbershop Boys for Literacy

Project Description

The 100 Black Men of Greater Lafayette (BMOGL) is a mentoring organization charter in 2009. The mission of the 100 BMOGL is to improve the quality of life for the communities we serve. As stated, mentoring is at the core service of the organization as we work to influence and transform the lives of underrepresented and disenfranchised youths, with a focus on African American youths. The programs of the 100 BMOGL are based upon our National Campaign “Four for the Future”: Mentoring, Education, Health and Wellness, and Economic Empowerment. It is within those areas of work, the 100 BMOGL decided to launch an initiative to improve literacy within the community called- Barbers, Boys and Books- Barbershop Mini Library. 

Reading is paramount to the educational success of our kids. For students experiencing poverty, reading levels are stunningly low. Study shows that theirs a correlation between reading level and income. Higher income is linked to higher literacy. We aim to increase the literacy rate by placing a mini library in barbershops throughout the north side of Lafayette. The libraries will include age-appropriate books for elementary and middle school-age kids. A crafty design holder for the books will be built to place in the barbershop/beauty salons. Barbershops and beauty salons have been special places for the Black Community for years. It’s more than just a business for entrepreneurs. It’s a place to meet and discuss community issues, family matters, and so much more. Young and old visit barbershops which usually extend well over an hour per appointment. The expanded time allotment provides ample opportunity for kids to grab a book and read. 

The additional exposure to reading will increase literacy rate and optimistically improve socioeconomic status over time. Therefore, improving their quality of life through a good education.

Project Details

Team Leader: Alton Trahan
Funded Date: November 11, 2023
Amount: $3,750
Location: Lafayette, LA


(% completed since funding)


Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Barbers, Boys, and Books Update #1

Barbers, Boys, and Books Update #1

Dear Community, Thank you for your support of the 100 Black Men of Greater Lafayette newest program; Barbers Boys, and Books: Staying Sharp for Literacy. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the 24hr Citizen Project for providing us the opportunity to...

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Healthy Acadiana Seed Library

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library

Team Seed Library

Project Description

The Healthy Acadiana Seed Library is a free program committed to increasing our community’s ability to feed ourselves wholesome food by offering seeds and education. Through the time-honored tradition of seed saving we celebrate biodiversity, nurture locally adapted plant varieties, and foster community resilience, self-reliance, and a culture of sharing.

The Seed Library operates on the honor system. You become a member automatically when you withdraw seeds to plant. We will encourage all members to save their seeds, donate them back to the library, and repeat.

Project Details

Team Leader: Angela Morrison
Funded Date: November 5, 2022
Amount: $2,000
Location: Lafayette, LA



(% completed since funding)


Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #3

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #3

Dear Community,We are thrilled to announce that Healthy Acadiana's Seed Library has officially launched, and the response has been incredible! We are delighted to witness the enthusiasm and participation of our community members as they embrace the opportunity to...

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Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update # 2

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update # 2

Dear Community,  Team Seed Library checking in again to update you on our progress! With every intention of sounding cheesy- the SEED that was planted at our Healthy Acadiana Coalition meeting back in June of 2022 has really GROWN! We can’t thank all of you...

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Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #1

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #1

Dear Community, The Seed Library is growing! We are still in awe of the magic that the 24 Hr. Citizen Project gave to us. Between our conversations with the experts, the community support, and the other amazing teams we are so excited to see what’s to come for all of...

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GPS (Guide to Post Secondary Education)

GPS (Guide to Post Secondary Education)

GPS (Guide to Post Secondary Education)

GPS Project

Project Description

1 in 5 adults in Louisiana have some college credit but haven’t earned a degree. Some reasons adults (or young adults) do not attend or complete college are:

  • Fear
  • Immaturity
  • Lack of guidance/support
  • Academic unpreparedness or
  • Insufficient finances

High school guidance counselors desire to assist in this discovery process, but according to the American Schools Counseling Association, the ratio of guidance counselors to students in Louisiana is about 1:450.

We propose implementing a Guide to Post-Secondary (GPS) Curriculum at Northside High School to guide families through the college or trade school enrollment process. This curriculum includes workshops for parents & students such as:

  • Career exploration
  • Financial planning/management
  • College/trade school
  • Application college tours
  • ACT prep
  • Volunteering enrollment

9-12 grade students and their parents will matriculate through a series of workshops to foster conversations and thought processes about their future and create a clear, purposeful plan with action steps that will lead to a solid decision to attend a 2-year, 4-year college or trade school.

Students and parents who complete this curriculum will develop strong communication with each other, as well as, develop a “village” with other families and support staff who will take the journey with them. The support staff would follow each student and family for at least two years after high school graduation.

Funds received from the 24 Hour Citizen Project will be used to award incentives as students complete each checkpoint. The first 10 students who complete the GPS curriculum will be awarded scholarships.

Project Details

Team Leader: Karen Dugas
Funded Date: November 5, 2022
Amount: $3,500
Location: Lafayette, LA



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Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

GPS Project Update #3

GPS Project Update #3

Dear Community,  We are very excited to report that six (6) Northside High School students will receive a $350 GPS Scholarship to be given directly to their post-secondary school of choice to assist with books and/or fees.  The GPS team worked closely with...

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GPS Project Update #2

GPS Project Update #2

Dear Community, Since our last update, Team GPS met with Brandon Noah of Unitech Training Academy and Mr. Darby, Northside High School's Senior Counselor, to determine eligibility requirements for three (3) Northside High School Seniors to receive FULL academic...

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GPS Project Update #1

GPS Project Update #1

Dear Community, On November 14, 2022, just two weeks after 24HCP, The U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona released this statement, “It’s time we bridge the divide between our K-12 systems and our college, career, and industry preparation programs, which leave...

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Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand

Project Description

We’ve all heard the common phrase “when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade”. The Lemonade Stand Project will allow youth to use their lemons to make a difference instead! By combining lessons on entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, basic construction, and quality control, youth at the Granberry Boys & Girls Club will build a lemonade stand brand and use the proceeds to impact local community initiatives.

There are nearly 1,500 nonprofit organizations listed in Lafeyette alone. Those organizations serve missions rooted in education, youth development, homelessness, hunger, and plenty of other meaningful services. Today, youth struggle to identify where to fit into the equation and how to make an impact while gaining useful skills in the process. The Lemonade Stand Project will allow youth to do just that! The club will partner with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Louisiana Entrepreneurship & Economic Development Center to deliver lessons and mentorship to participating youth to teach them important skills to develop their lemonade brand and business. Youth will then implement those lessons to pitch three lemonade stands across Acadiana on National Lemonade Day! 30% of each sale will remain in business to purchase supplies for the next year. Our teams of kids will spilt 10%. The last 60% will be donated to a community organization determined by participating youth. The first step of the project will be to devise a business plan for the lemonade stand. In the process, youth will gain valuable business skills, earn some money, and make a difference all through this project!

Project Details

Team Leader: Micah Nicholas
Funded Date: November 6, 2021
Amount: $3,315
Location: Lafayette, LA



(% completed since funding)


Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Lemonade Stand Final Update

Lemonade Stand Final Update

Jackie Unit - Lemonade Stand 12 participantsFunds raised: $706.40 (353 cups of lemonade)Charity of choice: The Outreach Center of Lafayette (Contact-Director, Bruce Gilcrease) 75% to The Outreach Center of Lafayette - $529.80 25% to kids for group celebration -...

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Lemonade Stand Update #3

Lemonade Stand Update #3

September 1st 2022 Dear Community, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana is launching a month-long entrepreneurship program at our two Lafayette Clubs, thanks to the 24-Hour Citizen Project. One of our premier programs at the Boys & Girls Club is “Career Launch”....

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Lemonade Stand Update #2

Lemonade Stand Update #2

Dear Community, We have been very busy since our last update! We were able to begin planning for our big day: August 20! Our kids are eager to get started and begin partnering with businesses to promote our lemonade stand. We will begin the entrepreneurship classes...

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Team Lemonade Update #1

Team Lemonade Update #1

Dear Community, Our club kids and families are still riding the excitement of being funded! It was, without a doubt, one of the highlights of our year. Over the last few weeks, we have made progress on our project in preparation of the August 22nd event. We’ve shared...

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