Healthy Acadiana Seed Library

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library

Team Seed Library

Project Description

The Healthy Acadiana Seed Library is a free program committed to increasing our community’s ability to feed ourselves wholesome food by offering seeds and education. Through the time-honored tradition of seed saving we celebrate biodiversity, nurture locally adapted plant varieties, and foster community resilience, self-reliance, and a culture of sharing.

The Seed Library operates on the honor system. You become a member automatically when you withdraw seeds to plant. We will encourage all members to save their seeds, donate them back to the library, and repeat.

Project Details

Team Leader: Angela Morrison
Funded Date: November 5, 2022
Amount: $2,000
Location: Lafayette, LA



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Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #3

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #3

Dear Community,We are thrilled to announce that Healthy Acadiana's Seed Library has officially launched, and the response has been incredible! We are delighted to witness the enthusiasm and participation of our community members as they embrace the opportunity to...

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Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update # 2

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update # 2

Dear Community,  Team Seed Library checking in again to update you on our progress! With every intention of sounding cheesy- the SEED that was planted at our Healthy Acadiana Coalition meeting back in June of 2022 has really GROWN! We can’t thank all of you...

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Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #1

Healthy Acadiana Seed Library Update #1

Dear Community, The Seed Library is growing! We are still in awe of the magic that the 24 Hr. Citizen Project gave to us. Between our conversations with the experts, the community support, and the other amazing teams we are so excited to see what’s to come for all of...

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Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand

Project Description

We’ve all heard the common phrase “when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade”. The Lemonade Stand Project will allow youth to use their lemons to make a difference instead! By combining lessons on entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, basic construction, and quality control, youth at the Granberry Boys & Girls Club will build a lemonade stand brand and use the proceeds to impact local community initiatives.

There are nearly 1,500 nonprofit organizations listed in Lafeyette alone. Those organizations serve missions rooted in education, youth development, homelessness, hunger, and plenty of other meaningful services. Today, youth struggle to identify where to fit into the equation and how to make an impact while gaining useful skills in the process. The Lemonade Stand Project will allow youth to do just that! The club will partner with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Louisiana Entrepreneurship & Economic Development Center to deliver lessons and mentorship to participating youth to teach them important skills to develop their lemonade brand and business. Youth will then implement those lessons to pitch three lemonade stands across Acadiana on National Lemonade Day! 30% of each sale will remain in business to purchase supplies for the next year. Our teams of kids will spilt 10%. The last 60% will be donated to a community organization determined by participating youth. The first step of the project will be to devise a business plan for the lemonade stand. In the process, youth will gain valuable business skills, earn some money, and make a difference all through this project!

Project Details

Team Leader: Micah Nicholas
Funded Date: November 6, 2021
Amount: $3,315
Location: Lafayette, LA



(% completed since funding)


Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Lemonade Stand Final Update

Lemonade Stand Final Update

Jackie Unit - Lemonade Stand 12 participantsFunds raised: $706.40 (353 cups of lemonade)Charity of choice: The Outreach Center of Lafayette (Contact-Director, Bruce Gilcrease) 75% to The Outreach Center of Lafayette - $529.80 25% to kids for group celebration -...

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Lemonade Stand Update #3

Lemonade Stand Update #3

September 1st 2022 Dear Community, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana is launching a month-long entrepreneurship program at our two Lafayette Clubs, thanks to the 24-Hour Citizen Project. One of our premier programs at the Boys & Girls Club is “Career Launch”....

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Lemonade Stand Update #2

Lemonade Stand Update #2

Dear Community, We have been very busy since our last update! We were able to begin planning for our big day: August 20! Our kids are eager to get started and begin partnering with businesses to promote our lemonade stand. We will begin the entrepreneurship classes...

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Team Lemonade Update #1

Team Lemonade Update #1

Dear Community, Our club kids and families are still riding the excitement of being funded! It was, without a doubt, one of the highlights of our year. Over the last few weeks, we have made progress on our project in preparation of the August 22nd event. We’ve shared...

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Oasis Food Pantry

Oasis Food Pantry

Oasis Food Pantry

Project Description

The Oasis Pantry will serve as an alternative food resource for the Oasis Community. Constructed in an easily accessible location within the neighborhood, this unit will feature cool items, nonperishables, and fresh fruit and vegetables. The pantry will also include a Dropbox for area residents to give donations throughout the week. While we welcome all community members to partake and participate in this initiative, its centralized location will allow safe and easy accessibility to our community’s most vulnerable population, children under the age of 14.The food pantry would not only be a way to curb hunger but to show love & compassion. We at Oasis believe that we can help the problem by becoming the internal solution. Being proactive in this time is critical and needed. Showing love and hope is not only rewarding but appreciated by the ones receiving. It is our hope that this pantry will also be a cycle of hope in our community in that when families utilize the resources of the pantry and are able to get back on their feet, they can invest back into the pantry for other families in need.The oasis food pantry is not only a way for us to give back to the community, but for the community to give back to itself. Our hope is that this initiative will spark community engagement, pride and unification.

The idea for constructing this neighborhood pantry is not only for needy families in our community but for the homeless population existing in our community. We have a heavy presence of homeless people in our community and the pantry is to be the hand up they need, continuing the restoration in our community. We desire for our residents to see Oasis Pantry as a reservoir and source of hope, healing and restoration.

Project Details

Team Leader: Valerie Lewis / Josh Edmond
Funded Date: November 6, 2021
Amount: $2,500
Location: Lafayette, LA



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Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update # 3

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update # 3

Dear Oasis Community, It’s happening. IT’S HERE! The Oasis Food Pantry started as a vision to sow into our community and serve as an additional resource to our residents. We wrote the vision, made it plain, pitched our plan, got funded – and pushed forward to the...

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Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #2

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #2

Dear Community, We’re gearing up for an exciting summer in Oasis! In addition to multiple activities planned by local and government organizations for our community in the coming months, we’re moving full steam ahead with the Oasis Food Pantry. Our vision is for the...

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Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #1

Oasis Community Food Pantry Update #1

Dear Community, Great things are on the horizon for our Oasis Community. Despite our Coterie’s limited visibility since the onset of COVID-19, we’ve not lost sight of our commitment to our community. Many of you may recall providing us with valuable feedback as to...

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Greening Festival

Greening Festival

Greening Festival

Project Description

Team Greening Festival wants to reduce the amount of waste created at Festival International and be part of catalyzing a styrofoam-free Lafayette!  The ultimate goal of this project is to put Festival International on the road to becoming a “zero waste” event. The first step is replacing styrofoam serviceware items (i.e. plates, bowls, and clamshells) used by Festival vendors with compostable versions made out of bagasse, a byproduct of sugarcane mills.

We’re bringing out the FIL Geaux Green logo by putting Festival International (and eventually other local festivals) on the road to becoming a “zero waste” event!  Anyone who has spent any time at Festival International (isn’t that all of us?) knows that most of the food is served on styrofoam plates or containers. But did you know that styrofoam never goes away and that these food containers can neither be recycled nor recovered in any existing system? We bet you definitely didn’t know that there are compostable equivalents to all the styrofoam plates, bowls, and clamshells used today. In fact, one such plant-based item is made from sugar cane bagasse, a byproduct of sugarcane mills that we have an abundance of here in South Louisiana.

Depending on the product (plate, bowl, clamshell, etc), the cost difference between styrofoam and bagasse can range from nothing to fifty cents. We know this can be a significant ask of vendors, particularly those not used to this idea of “zero waste”. We will work with Festival International vendors to help them source materials, and, where it might be a barrier, use 24HCP funding to cover a portion of the difference in cost.

This effort will be paired with a fully-backed Festival International marketing effort promoting FIL’s move away from styrofoam. Vendors who elect to participate will be designated in the FIL app and at their vendor booths with the FIL Geaux Green logo.

Future Plan:

The beauty of plant based materials comes full circle if you are able to capture them once Festival-goers have finished eating. These materials, along with any food residue and leftovers, can be sent to compost at a right-sized and managed facility. When managed properly and mixed with other organic material, oxygen, and water; all of this plant-based waste will break back down into healthy, rich soil!  It is very important that no other materials get mixed in though, so we would start with collection in select areas only (i.e. Parc San Souci) and follow Louisiana Football’s model of hand sorting compost after each event to make sure that no other waste materials end up in the compost pile. This work would be completed by volunteers similar to the volunteers who handle recycling at Festival Acadien.

Project Details

Team Leader: Monica Rowand
Funded Date: November 9, 2019
Funding Amount: $3,000
Location: Lafayette, LA



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Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Greening Festival Update #5

Greening Festival Update #5

Dear Community, Did you enjoy this year's Virtual Festival? What about a Festival favorite drink or menu item on a patio or from the comfort of your home? As you know, our project meant to eliminate the use of styrofoam at Festival International de Louisiane and...

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Greening Festival Update #4

Greening Festival Update #4

Dear Community, As you all know, Festival International looked a lot different last year, altering the plans for our original project. The same will be true for Festival International 2021. The Festival released their plans for this year's event in January. The...

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Greening Festival Update #3

Greening Festival Update #3

Dear Community. WE DID IT!!!!  We had the first ever ZERO-WASTE FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL! (Too soon?) Like all of you, we were disappointed when we couldn’t celebrate our favorite festival in person. We would like to give a huge shout-out to Scott Feehan and his team...

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Greening Festival Update #2

Greening Festival Update #2

Dear Community, The response to our project has been truly overwhelming these last couple months. The outpouring of support and encouragement from you still comes daily as our plans continue to develop and come to fruition. A few weeks ago we posted a poll via the...

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Greening Festival Update #1

Greening Festival Update #1

Dear Community, Is it a marketing miracle or meant-to-be that the first day of Festival International de Louisiane 2020 is Earth Day? That’s right, mark your calendars for April 22-26, 2020 and a Festival International experience with a slightly green-er hue! As a...

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Discover More Projects

Veggie On The Go

Veggie On The Go

Veggie On The Go

Project Description

The goal  of the “Veggie on the Go” is to provide fresh, healthier food options to residents of food desert areas in North Lafayette, including McComb-Veazey, LaPlace, Fightingville, Freetown and other neighborhoods. Our project seeks to address the food insecurity found across our community causing many to live within food deserts. We plan to sell the produce grown and acquired from the McComb Veazy farm, Earth Share Garden, local growers and if needed from other local produce stands in the area. Our goal is to offer healthy food options with recommendations of menus and healthy lifestyle changes. 

We plan to partner our veggie bike with other food entrepreneurs in the community. To bring better access to resources to improve the health of the residents we interact with at the pop-ups.  We plan to host veggie pop-ups in the community due to limited access to grocery stores or healthy food options such as restaurants, juice bars, etc. To lower the barrier on purchasing veggies, the Veggie on the Go project plans to accept cash, credit card, or EBT card. We will also develop a system to allow those who don’t have the means to pay for their vegetables.

Some of our initial partners plan to use the veggie acquired for distribution in special pop-up menus and help create healthier lifestyles by providing nutritional facts and recipes. We want this project to be a catalyst for a new food movement in North Lafayette. One that builds an equitable workforce and open new doors for social entrepreneurs both young and old to get their produce or products directly to customers who need them.

Project Details

Team Leader: Trincella Bonnet
Funded Date: November 9, 2019
Funding Amount: $3,000
Location: Lafayette, LA



(% completed since funding)


Dear Community Letters

Project Updates

Veggies on the Go Update #5

Veggies on the Go Update #5

Dear Community, Although COVID caused us to have to greatly vary from our original plan, we are happy that we have still made progress in our fight against food insecurity in our neighborhood. Originally our project was focused around a mobile vegetable market powered...

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Veggies on the Go Update #4

Veggies on the Go Update #4

Dear Community, It has been a rough year for many of us, but we made it through. Some of our team members left the group due to other pressing priorities and a few of us had COVID-19 at the end of the year. You may recall, our project decided to pivot away from the...

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Veggies on the Go Update #3

Veggies on the Go Update #3

Dear Community, Our project had to be put on hold because of COVID as we felt it was necessary to avoid close contact with our customers. With our Governor opening Phase II, we took the opportunity to host the 1st Sunday Produce, but unfortunately, weather cancelled...

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Veggies on the Go Update #2

Veggies on the Go Update #2

Dear Community, We have been very busy on our project. We were able to get a vendors trike and a bike trailer custom made but had to buy material to close the wall and floor and we were able to stay within the budget. Everyone who saw the trike and the bike trailer...

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Veggie On The Go Update #1

Veggie On The Go Update #1

Dear Community, We at Veggies on the Go are hard at work with our project. Everything is flowing smoothly except for the bike and trailer. We could not find a bike and trailer within our budget so I did some research and found a gentleman in New Orleans who's custom...

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